New Podcast!

The artist experience at times can feel like a novelty felt by a selected few, but today we are an abundant community who form and shape the visual language all around us.
— Cyn Lagos

New Podcast

“Hi, this is Your Artist Speaking”- @cynlagos”

Ah, I’ve done, it! Among the many ambitions of January of 2023, I’ve decided to create my own podcast! Let me tell ya, that it has already made its claim for the (admittedly self-appointed) award ceremony of “important things of 2023”.


I decided to name it “…this is Your Artist Speaking” because one, it reminded me of my favorite announcement while flying a plane, and two because I want to remind myself and others of our artist's voice and all that it has to say as we navigate our journey in this visual industry.

You bet, I am so excited already for this new venture, among others I’ve set to explore this year! This will now become a dearly beloved new element in my workflow. Just me and my mic, diving deep into my artistic viewpoints, observations, challenges, triumphs, and relentless pursuit of expressions & experimentations.

I hope to bring a word of encouragement into your day, as we meet in our parallel visual universe.




I know, intimately, that the artistic journey isn’t a carved path and that in fact, it involves all of you and those around you. Our paths can often be ambiguous and therefore assimilating closer to a daunting path down a dark forest rather than a whistling cherry blossom-filled road. Yet, these are the moments where having the voice of like-minded artists can be all the encouragement we may need to take on the expedition and parade ahead!

Trust me, this path can zig-zag but its bounty rests with exhilarating potential for you and me!

I welcome you to listen in on my journey and invite others to this weekly listen.

Episode 1: My NEW Pocast!

Episode 4 - Work & Life Balance



Up Next…